Gameranger has encountered a problem
Gameranger has encountered a problem

gameranger has encountered a problem
  1. #Gameranger has encountered a problem install
  2. #Gameranger has encountered a problem update
  3. #Gameranger has encountered a problem windows 10

My desktop pc runs Windows 10 Home 64bit and my laptop runs Windows 10 Home 32bit.

#Gameranger has encountered a problem install

(Comment about this: When I launched HoMM3 on my laptop a window popped up telling me I should install DirectPlay, while it never did on my desktop pc and seemed to work fine anyway.

gameranger has encountered a problem

Installing DirectPlay, this is something some older games use and it can be installed by going to "Turn Windows features on or off" in the control panel, expand "Legacy Components" and tick DirectPlay, then jsut click Ok and it should install. I will list this with a brief description below:ġ. I port forwarded the UDP port 16000 as suggested by Gameranger.Īnyway, I thought that I should share all the other tips that I found (and have tested) that has worked for other people. I enabled DirectPlay manually, no window popped up telling me I needed it (even though I don't think I needed to do this since I was still able to host a game through TCP/IP, which would be impossible without DirectPlay as you can't even enter the menu if you don't have it, more about his below).

#Gameranger has encountered a problem update

I installed HoMM3 from GoG Galaxy (It seems to have been some update that combined the universal update or something, because I could'nt find it anymore anyway). But I might have misunderstood what that actually does since it seems I still need to port forward for Gameranger. As I said, I tried that before with no luck and some time after that I think I enabled DMZ on my router, which I thought would let me get away with not forwarding any ports (it worked fine with other games when I enabled DMZ). What I had to do (which I though I had already tested, but must have done incorrectly somehow) was to port forward UDP port 16000, as Gameranger suggests when it complained about me being behind a firewall (I said "Port-Restricted Cone NAT Router"). I've finally been able to connect to my own game through Gameranger from my laptop to my desktop pc! (Hurray!) It would be nice to at least be able to find why things aren't working as they should, and eve better, find a solution for it. I am sometimes able to connect by trying to connect over and over. (This is an issue that can sometimes be fixed by opening up the windows firewall / port forward according to ) I am unable to connect to a server, the message I get is "Sorry, there was an error connecting to that session. Maybe it's possible to get a game together by just brute forcing, I don't know, but I will probably try. So it really does work when it feels like it, I tried to connect again after that, after a few tries I manage to get connected again.

gameranger has encountered a problem

This may however fix the issue for others.Īfter I tried that I just reconnected to the server over and over, getting the same error, while I was thinking what my next move would be. But I tried to connect again with my firewall disabled, no dice. I never really thought about that since I never really have had a problem with that before, but I checked it out, the windows firewall seemed alright. Upon searching some more with this message I found that it could be a firewall issue. But I managed to get a screen shot of it by recording my desktop, it says "Sorry, there was an error connecting to that session. I couldn't read it at first as it disappears immediately (which is why I didn't see it in the first place). I noticed a window popping up as the game shuts down when I connect. Today's findings are better, but not that good. I decided to edit my old post instead of posting a new one so I don't spam as much. Looks like it works when it feels like it. I tried again because I wanted to test it out with a friend and not just my own laptop.

gameranger has encountered a problem

Ok, so I tried again today, and now it doesn't work.

Gameranger has encountered a problem